Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Blogging is a curious thing for me.

Some days its fun...some days its serious....somedays its silly....some days its contemplative. Its truly a mixed bag.

I would say one thing though, it does make me contemplate things in a way in which I did not do before blogging.

Growing up, I was one of those girls who started writing when I was in about 4th grade...I started keeping a diary and continued keeping one until after I was married. One thing I learned throughout that process was that my hand would not betray my thoughts...writing it down has always been a good forum for me. as is an out loud processor given a safe person to discuss things with.

So I was thinking about the blogging phenomenon...I write alot that I dont publish...mostly because some if it is not necessarily things I want to or need to share. But what Im wondering is if blogging gets its "rush" or its "allure" because its public. I suppose every person longs to be heard by someone in some sort of fashion. Is this part of the blogging movement...the fact that we can be heard?

I definitely enjoy reading other people's blogs as long as i know they personally...that to me is the best. It helps me keep up with them, tells me where they are at emotionally, helps me know how to pray for them, and just is simply fun.

One of my readers says that blog reading is "stalkerish". Ive heard this word used frequently in reference to blogs and I suppose this is because there is something almost voyeuristic about it...getting into someone else's head at times or reading about their lives (at times..its as good as a television show)

So will I keep blogging? Ive decided to do it at least for a year faithfully and then we shall see.


Roses in December said...

You learn alot about people when you read their blogs. You can get in alot of trouble when you write things in your blog too. Me, It provokes that "Walmart visit" side of me that longs to come out and it's a great outlet for me to be creative. It' also a way to express those things that sometimes nobody wants to listen to you about, even though they ask the proverbial "how are you" and they REALLY don't care anyway. Thing is, people have to CHOSE to read your blog, it's their CHOICE - one click away - Take it or leave it. Sometimes it's the only way to know how our friends are in such a rush rush world we live in today. I would be sad if you said Patti, it was your last blog, I look forward to reading it everyday. Friends don't let friends stop blogging :(

Roses in December said...

P.S. Besides, it sure beats sitting in front of the TV, I practice my writing skills, thinking skills, communication skills and my surfing skills. Up here in the mountains, lifes a bore, I'm thankful for internet.

Stéphanie said...

i only think it's stalkerish because i read your blogs RELIGIOUSLY! ahaha OHWA if you don't keep blogging i will have almost no reason to... breathe!!! ok a little dramatic but i beg you! keep bloggin!! i love you!

Anonymous said...

seriously you better not stop blogging! i LOOOVE reading your blog- even if I don't comment every time!!! Love you girl!