Thursday, October 4, 2007


When it comes right down to it...I want to be perfect.

I want my personality to be perfect, my looks to be perfect, my job to be perfect, my marriage to be perfect, my house to be perfect, my yard to be perfect, my relationships to be perfect...that truly is my heart's desire.

No wonder I get frustrated!!! The world we live in in anything BUT perfect.

Im working on giving this up, but lord-a-mighty its hard. I know part of it lies with our spiritual make up...that we were designed to live in a perfect world but the Fall took that option away. The other part lies with my pride...or fear...really, take your pick.

Why do I desire perfection, because it makes me feel makes me feel good on so many levels, EVEN IF im deluding myself. (which in reality is all the time) This is such a complex issue Im going to have to unpack it over the next few days.

Frankly, its far too early for such thoughts, but see I get up this early to organize my day...why?....well so its perfect of course! (kidding....but only sort of...)


Lynette Snell said...

Oh will always be perfect in my eyes, darling!

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute! You're NOT perfect??!!! You've just rocked my world!!! (And not in the good way) Soooo, if you're not perfect, does that mean I'M not perfect?!?!?! This is just WRONG!!! Delete this blog and we shall speak of it no more.

Anonymous said...

Seriously!!! You are perfect in my eyes too!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

No one is perfect like I am perfect.
Patripe Manawong

Stéphanie said...

If nobody is perfect... well I'm a nobody... so therefor, I am perfect!! Hahaha ( not even close!) I think you are fabulously perfect!!!