Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Excuse me, but I like to wonder at things and marvel in them!! I hate it when people try to explain things when I just want to bask in the incredibility of it. You know, do you ever just make an announcement like, "WOW...Isn't that amazing...I just wonder how they do that?" And then someone explains it to you..ugh...takes all the wonder out of it.

Or when someone corrects me if its something in this vein of thought, in my head I'm saying..."Well now THAT spoils the whole thing!"

I was having a conversation with someone the other day and I said, "Its amazing to me how they get this so perfect!"

The person said, "Its not perfect! They have to go back and correct it all. They dont get it perfect ever!"

OKayyyyyyyy...sorry, but Id rather just be amazed then find out the how sometimes.

Its like seeing the wire on Peter Pan at the spoils the magic.


Anonymous said...

baaa humbuuuug! I say!!!

how are you my sweet neighbor?

Jess said...

thank yew very much mizz shivs ;]

i just hope i can remember everything i learned THIS year! :D

Stéphanie said...

oh money I AGREE!!!... lets go to seaworld... kbye

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean!! I always wondered how they made hot dogs taste so good. When I found out it just ruined it for me! PumPum