Friday, October 3, 2008


Finally, some videos! Whew...babies are indeed a lot of work. Its not a bad thing, but definately an increase in care-taking activity. Im torn when she I get done the stuff that needs doing: laundry, food, picking up, paperwork....or do I rest?

She is an amazingly normal baby. At least for being only 5 days old! She is on a nice three hour schedule and sleeps, eats, burps and is very alert when she is awake. E has been taking the 9pm and the midnight feeding since he is much more of a night person than I am. I have the middle of the night shift and the early morning feeding.

This is so different from when the girl was a baby. Claire so far, has been very predictable and easygoing. I keep waiting for the other foot to drop. The girl's birth experience and her newborn-hood was so intense and traumatic and she was so at risk that comparatively this has been very low key. Im so thankful. And so grateful to the Lord.

She is a beautiful baby too...Im sure imprejudiced, but she has the most gorgeous rosebud lips and big eyes.

The girl is doing so well too...she is "up our butts" for most of the day just wanting to see and to know and do and giving her opinions. A few tears here and there but that is to be expected. Im sure we will have more of that in the future.

More later, but I wanted to post some fun videos for my family back home. First one is from the night that we got her. Second one is giving her her first bath and the last one is proud daddy showing off his swaddling skills...hilarious!



Anonymous said...

I want to see her full-screen size! So precious! I'm glad the laid-back second-baby attitude is reigning--yours and hers.

Leigh Anne Salter said...

I just want to eat her up! Don't worry about ever seeing anything serious on my blog- i'm saving that for my book:)Just photos for the grandparents. I love seeing E with that new babe. Let's talk soon.

Debby Sutton said...

ok, I think I've finally seen both you and E in your true element. All these years and I've only seen glimpses. Now, the fullness of your essence shines through. All because of our faithful God -- grace, grace, grace. FULL OF IT!!! I'm so terribly thrilled for you all.