It doesnt help that the worship options are 9am or 10 45am. One is rather late and one is rather early. Our family does better with the early service...not that we arent still rushing around at the last minute, but because it doesnt give us that time to annoy one another before church so we dont all end up in the car irritated at one another. Kaitlin's problem is that she never knows what to wear and this season is hard to predict...its hot its cold its hot its trying to pick up the house before we leave, and Eric is just running late.
My favorite part of worship...what actually brings me to the throne and melts away all the garbage from the week is the music part. I love it...I love our worship team and the music that they sing. Today focus was on missions as will be this whole month. Joe Creech preached...he is so good. I love his passion. He put up a great quote that has had me thinking today:
"Christianity is not a managable religion. It is not a religious experience that fits into a palm pilot or daytimer. It is an INVASION of the living God into your reality in such a way that it transforms it forever." about missing the boat! One of my nick names is Dolly Daytimer.
I do want to schedule my Christianity. I do want to predict it. I dont want God to invade my life...I want to be the mistress of the territory of my own life. I want what I want when I want it. God forbid someone needs Jesus and Ive got something else planned. Im such a Martha in that way. I want to be more a Mary.
That concept of INVASION is one of passion. Hmmmmmm...I wonder what it would be like if i truly allowed Christ to INVADE my life. Scary stuff but convicting too.
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