Her and her family are 7th Day Adventist. She got dunked in her baptism. I always enjoy going to other churches who have other customs. Its interesting to me to see what habits other denominations have---how other brothers and sisters in the Lord worship. At this church I was warmly welcomed by various members. When I walked into the church from the back I was struck to see about 6 groups spread out in the sanctuary. Each group was being taught by a different person. It was the Sunday School hour. What a cool utilization of space they had. It didn't matter that it was noisy or that they were all in the same room ...they just did what they needed to do. The goal was education...not how quiet it could be. I was greeted over and over with the words "Happy Sabbath to you". It warmed my heart.
During the service, the gospel was preached. Its always enjoyable to hear it preached and I find it reassuring on some level that other denominations actually know and present the gospel. It makes me aware of the larger body of Christ. I was also taken with the fact that this church was one of much color. Many African Americans and Hispanic Americans. As a rather tall white blonde woman I stuck out like a sore thumb. I wonder if this is how black students feel when they come to school at Orangewood.
I cried during the baptism. I cried when she took her vows. Its such a blessing to see a person with an authenticity to her make such a commitment. I loved seeing her family rejoice with her.
They are a Hispanic family, so lots of kissing. I wish I knew more Spanish so I could converse in it. Lovely lovely warm people. After the service (which was two hours...im such a Presbyterian that come 1.15 hours im like....er...when are we wrapping this show up!?!?) there was a full on catered sit down reception at First Pres of Orlando. I had been asked to speak. All week I kept thinking that i needed to figure out what i was going to say about her. In my head I had envisioned more of an open house type forum in the church fellowship hall. This was a mini-wedding reception! Complete with all the niceties...cut to me in the bathroom frantically writing what I was going to say to this room of 100 or so people! I was so unprepared. But it came out okay.
Of course i cried. Sometimes joy can be very overwhelming. The actuality of the gospel can be so powerful. Im a bit of a crier anyway...at emotional events that is...To see her parents so incredibly pleased by her choice to follow Christ was delightful. It is a blessing to be a part of the lives of students who truly get Jesus.
I came away from the day tired( again...as a Caucasian Presbyterian I was thinking 2.5 hours max...6 hours later...) but truly blessed by my brothers and sisters in Christ.
Very cool. Blue Eyes and I use to belong to a Pentecostal church when we first became believers... 4 hour services were not uncommon.
6.5 hours! Wow, you go girl!
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