Im truly just fatigued and we have two weeks left!! And so stinking much to do!! The view from where I stand today seems impossible with events.
It started with Prom last week
That took lots of energy and then Monday it was right back to teaching. Reviewing with the kids is very tiring. The rhythm in my class room is usually that we go over homework, then i teach the lesson, then give them time to start homework and answer any questions that come up during that time. With reviewing Im teaching the whole class period. Very tiring to do for 5 periods 5 days in a row!
Then we had the Awards Ceremony. It wasnt that long in itself, but rather the whole "going out" aspect that exhausts me. Well...that an interfacing with the parents. Its not that I dont enjoy it because I do...Its just tiring.
Then K had a report due on Wednesday on turned out well but just extra stuff to do. And with elementary, its never just write a paper...its like cut out pictures, or dress up like this person, or find an artifact from this country...all good stuff but again...takes brain power and energy and running around to craft stores.
Monday through Wednesday I will be joining the AP kids on their trip to Boston. I couldnt ask for a nicer bunch of kids to go with. Im glad Im not heading this trip...Pete is and its great because I know I will just get to go along for the ride. Still its being on the job 24 hours for three days and then managing my own family from afar. I know they will be just fine, but getting ready for it is a massive job. I have a check list for each day for the girl and know just all those little things that I do without thinking (make lunches, take out the trash to the street, feed the cats, water the plants, sign the assignment book)
Thursday when I return it is the End of The Year program for the girl. (Think listening to 3rd graders play "Oh When the Saints" on their recorders). God in His goodness however has the Freshies having a Fellowship Day so I can go to the girl's program.
Then, Friday is their International Day in Third Grade. Since we have Bahamas I thought Id just bring some tropical fruit like Pineapple...until E told me that Pinapples dont grow in you think that thrid graders will know? I think Im still going with it!!!
Sunday and Monday of next week my brother and sister in law and their baby Ella are coming to stay with us. Why do people always come at this time of the year? I do love them and they are easy guests, but the timing isnt great. I suppose I never think the timing is great. I worry about dumb stuff when we have guests...that we dont have the right food, that they arent comfortable enough...that I need to cook for everyone. I need to remember they are here to see US and not to see what we can do for them. And heck...ordering in is okay to do! Still...Im glad we have Monday off.
Then come the exams. Proctoring, Giving, Grading, Recording. And graduation practice and the End of the Year luncheon and then Graduation itself. Those last few days are hideous from my view. Its tough because I struggle with trying to wrap up my school stuff and meet the expectations at work and celebrating with the girl for another year done!
Somewhere in there we have been invited to 9...count them NINE graduation parties!! Not sure how that is going to work and I dont necessearily feel obligated to attend all of them so I will let myself off the hook for that.
Then the following Monday and Tuesday we have work days AND my in laws are coming. They are truly low maintenece guests, but I do love having my quiet time after being with people all day. Talking exhausts me!! Thankfully they are taking the girl to the science center and staying for just two nights. will be over. I wish I were already there. The view from here looks impossible but I know just taking one day at a time it will be okay...BREATHEeeeeeeeeeee...
1 comment:
Patti, you've inspired me. I set up my "very own blog" aside from Granny & Gramps. Check it out. We are counting down our days at MACA. Friday we are done. The natives are restless to say the least! But that's ok, only 4 days and counting.Of course I work all summer :(
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