Friday, October 5, 2007

Super powers

If you could have a superpower which would it be? And why?

1. The ability to fly?
2. Superhuman strength?
3. Invisibility?
4. The power to see the future?
5. Super sight or Super hearing?
6. The ability to change into other beings?
7. The ability to breathe under water?

Me? Id want to be invisible hands down. Think of how much you could LEARN that way and not be disclosed! (Think Harry Potter's Invisiblity Cloak!) It would be a chance to get into other people's heads and lives and see what they are about.

What about you?


Lynette Snell said... there a superpower that has to do with weight loss? Super Thin Girl...that'd be me. And I'd go around making fat people (like me) skinny and skinny people fat. Now THAT would be power!!

Stéphanie said...

OH GOSH i think about this all the time!! i've come to the conclusion that.. if everyone had superpower, I'd probably want to be invisible or be able to hear and see through things, BUT if no one had a power, i'd probably want to have super speed. be able to run faster that 15 cheetahs put together and be able to go for hours!!

Vicki said...

Hmmmm... let's see... a super power.... I think I'd like to have... Super Beauty Power!!! Just imagine, never a hair out of place, never having to touch up makeup or worry about puffiness, or not being able to fit into your clothes...

wow... I'm depressed. Thanks Patti.

Anonymous said...

First would be the power to see the future and then second would be to be invisible for the same reason you said ;)