Ive been called worse, actually.
You know that I try to be very good about not purchasing books and also about passing them on when I am finished with them. I have to put those kinds of limits on myself because if I dont I would spend copious (is that the right word) amounts of money on books. Christmas is the exception. I always use some of my bonus to buy WHATEVER I want at Borders...no gulit, no justifiying. During the year, although I do ocassionally buy a book, mostly my book obsession is fueled by trips to the library or books that friends pass along. Ive also been known to stalk a book on ebay if necessary.
I have no idea why I love reading so much. I swear it must stimulate some pleasure center in my brain. I suppose part of it is the escape that it offers as well as the fact that when Im reading Im generally being still. Its relaxing for me.
The stack on my nightstand is reaching maximum proportions. I actually have two stacks side by side so that I can have enough room for them all. When the stacks start hitting the bottom of the lampshade, I know I need to stop accruing for a bit. Problem is that most times Im working on three or four at a time. Sometimes they get moved off the rotation entirely if a really GOOD read comes along.
Currently one of the two stacks is touching the lampshade. What's on my nightstand? I little bit of everything.
Girl Meets God by Laura Winner (the story of how a woman finds God and because I just LOVE Laura Winner)
The World Without Us by Alan Weisman (tells what would happen if civilization vanished and how long it would take nature to reclaim its dominion)
The Russian Concubine by Kate Fulnivale (I picked this up on one of the post Christmas Target runs...not sure what exactly it was about but it was interesting enough for me to want it)
The Wonderful Way Babies are Made by Larry Christenson (cause Im still not sure how....kidding...its for the girl.
Random Family by Adrian Nicole Le Blanc ( this is currently the one Im DEVOURING...it follows two girls for 15 years as they grow up in the Bronx and what their lives are comprised of. its RIVITING!!)
Those Who Save Us by Jenna Blum ( book on WWII)
Complications in Surgery by Atul Gawande (book on a surgeon's life in the operating room)
Gucci Gucci Goo by Sue Margolis (cheesy mommy-lit, but what can I say, its my chocolate of the literary vein)
The Uglies by Scott Westerfield (a science fiction peice about how when everyone turns 18 they get a face and body lift and the effects this has on society)
How to Have a House That Cleans Itself: (well, that one is self explanatory)
....there is actually more, but Im already tired of this blog so...well, guess what Im off to do???
Patti, you just inspired me for a new blog moment: Instead of "whats in your wallet", "what's on your nightstand". Now I am not a literary person, but go to my blog, you will laugh because it's not books that clutter my nightstand, trust me.
i am so laughing at brenda's comment above...
so you're the blog whore and a book whore? what's next... i'm thinking, hmm... the "baking whore" muaha ha haaa
you are freak!!!!
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