Sunday, August 16, 2009

Summer's end

The week prior to school beginning is truly one of grueling proportions for those in the arena of education. Its never as much fun as it seems. For me it comes at the end of a long summer and a longing for order, routine, and predictability. Unfortunately the week previous to school is no one of those. Between juggling kids and work and home its overwhelming to say the least and everything tends to have the tag of URGENT on it. It makes my head swim.

I was surmising why this has seemed so hard for me this year and Zero-to-Four-in-Four-Years reminded me that I did not work when the Girl was a baby and I did not have an 11 year old when I had the Girl, which is the situation now with the Baby Girl. Ahhhh...well, that makes sense!

I could use this space to be whiny but I believe I covered that earlier this summer so Im choosing to turn to more positive things! Like Baby's first swim. (actually second but it really couldn't qualify as a swim but more of a screaming fest) She went in with Eric this afternoon in her itsy bitsy teeny weenie bikini and actually didnt scream the entire time! Thanks to M. and her sweet gift of the Mr. Turtle float. The pictures say it all.

1 comment:

Roses in December said...

She is fabulous. What a sweetheart. I love her belly!