Sunday, August 2, 2009


H. turned us on to something called "letterboxing". I had never heard of it before but when she explained it to me, I knew it was something I would love to do with the girl!

Letterboxing is similar to Geo-caching. You go on line and find the "clues" to a box that someone has left somewhere. By following the clues it should lead you to a hidden box. Inside the box is a journal and a stamp. You have your own journal and stamp and you stamp the journal in the box and leave your name and date. Then you take the stamp that's in the box and stamp your own book, recording where and when you found it.

For many of the letterboxes, there is a story or a historical significance. Some are just fun. Its something that you can do when you travel or just when you have some time to kill and feel like going for a treasure hunt.

We took J and the Girl and the little ones one day eariler this summer. We started strong and it was very fun and exciting. However, after the second box we had hungry whiny kids who both melted down and ended the excursion in tears. So much for trying to have a good time!! I keep reminding myself that even events that are small and short are good and that kids melting down are part of life. (Still, H.and I decided that maybe next time just she and I will go!)

Enjoy the slide show!

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