Friday, July 31, 2009

Baby Girl

Many have asked how the Baby Girl is doing these days.

On the short hand, she is progressing and doing well over all. There is still a developmental lag but she is moving forward and that is a huge blessing.

She is finally able to sit on her own and is working on moving into the crawling phase. Its amazing to me how many different things have to go correctly for her to do what she needs to do in terms of getting her body into a position to crawl.

There is nothing amiss with her mentally as she has the will of a lumberjack and the temper of a salty old sea man. (If she could talk, I imagine her cussing me out often) For her 9 month old check up she literally screamed for the entire 20 minutes and it started when the dr. entered the room--before he touched her. Yes, that child has a will of iron. This will work to our advantage eventually, we just have to get her to come around to our side!

We are also working on some sensory integration issues and touch her arms and legs with several different types of fabrics and items throughout the day. This is in addition to working her through a variety of positions to strengthen her core and her abdominal muscles. We are hoping to qualify for Occupational Therapy as well through the state program and our thereapist is lobbying for that as she has fine motor delay as well.

She is a good baby in most other ways...sleeps 12 hours a night, lustily drinks her bottles, opens her mouth wide for food, doesnt whine in her car seat, poops and pees and does all the other normal stuff a baby does.

Thanks for praying for her! She is a yummy thing. There is nothing as sweet as her giggles and her smiles and her loud belly laugh.

If Im honest at times I wish she didnt have these issues. It makes me sad that she is not "normal". I wonder if its genetic and why she has it and if her mother actually used drugs and alcohol during her pregnancy. (i still dont believe she did) And yet, were she our natural child she could still have issues. There are no guarentees with your kids. It helps me to remember that GOD picked her to be in our family...which has it own 'issues' (like every other family and every other person out there with a belly button!) ...that God KNEW exactly what she needed and what WE needed and that even if its hard, its okay. He will show up. I dont know alot of things, but this i do know.

Again, thanks for your prayers and for continuing to life up this precious girl for us!


Vicki said...

Love this! Life is not a smooth path, and the more children we have the greater the probability of issues arising. Thank GOD for grace and the company of Christ and the Holy Spirit in our journey through this life. I will keep sweet Claire in my prayers-- she truly is yummy!

Shelly said...

Hey, Patti -- This reminds me of something my sister-in-law said about her son, who has "issues" as well: Before he was born, he looked down from heaven and picked out her and my brother to be his parents, because he knew they would be the best parents for him. He was right, and I'm sure the same holds true for Claire! These babies; no wonder they hold the wisdom of old souls so deeply in their eyes on the day they are born!

Thinking of you and your delightful, adorable little one! When does she turn one, by the way?

Love, Shelly