Monday, July 20, 2009

How To Make Fudge... or Something Like It

In reality, this summer has completely BLOWN!!!

Im trying very hard to adjust my perspective and enjoy right where we are at. Its always disappointing though when you have expectations and the reality of life falls WAYyyyy below what you think it will be. Here's my "tale of woe"

This summer started off with Swimmer's Ear, progressed into Pink Eye for both girls, and then retreated to Swimmer's Ear again for the Girl all of which caused two missed sleepovers and several days out of helping with VBS. It included a visit to the pediatrician for both girl's check-ups (The girl for her 11 year old and the Baby Girl for a developmental check) Our trip to Chicago got scrapped and not only was it scrapped but that is when I had my week in the hospital followed by a week of recovery. Last week we went to the pediatrician for Baby Girl's 9 month check up, followed by going again or for another round of Ear-ick for the Girl. Throw in two dental and the Girl. Gently stir in regularly scheduled therapy appointments for Baby Girl (physical and occupational) and end up with another surgery on my broken reproductive organs. Yeah. This summer blows.

The good news is that it could be worse! I truly am trying to listen to what I am supposed to learn and readjust my expectations and embrace where we are at. Im laughing as Im writing it because inside I just want to grouse and be complain-y, whine-y and all "this sucks!" But, Im going to put on my grown up hat and and realize that I am extremely lucky to live in a country where I am free, have a job, have two stinking gorgeous children, a wonderful husband who passed the CPA exam, running water, drive through pharmacies, an incredible church family, amazing friends, a home I love, food, good medical facilities, a sweet kitty cat, and, well...fudge.

You yesterday the Girl decided that she was interested in making fudge. Im okay with that. We try to do at least SOMETHING fun each day.

Here's how the pic looks in the cookbook:

Here's how it went: (pics included!)

  1. Head to the grocery
  2. Half way there realize that we dont have the list
  3. Blow it off thinking we will remember what we need
  4. Arrive home to realize have no butter in the house.
  5. Sent J and the Girl out to the neighborhood to round up four sticks of butter from various neighbors (B. came through with a whopping POUND of butter from Costco! Yay B!)
  6. Add condensed milk, sugar and butter into huge pan
  7. Breathe deeply when the candy thermometer is dropped on the floor and breaks. ( and really for that matter, who KNEW i had a candy thermometer?)
  8. Instruct kids on how to stir so it doesnt stick to the bottom and s that they dont get burnt.

9. Referee arguments over who gets to wear my lone oven mitt (what...I said I dont cook!!)

10. Put screaming baby to bed.
11. Remind kids to keep stirring
12. Tell kids to stop arguing
13. Tell kids that only one can stir at a time because of said arguing

14. Catch the Girl having a sneak lick of the Marshmallow Fluff.
15. Children's interest in stirring wanes and interest in eating Marshmallow Fluff and chocolate chips spikes
16. Remind kids that SOMEONE has to stir the fudge

17. Irritatingly take over stirring myself. (See how HAPPY I am in the picture. Yes...I know...its like I could swap places with Martha Steward!)

18. Turn around to find The Girl and J eating Marshmallow Fluff.
19. Add Marshmallow Fluff and chocolate chips to hot liquid.
20. Remind children that it doesnt really matter if you stir clockwise or counter clockwise.
21. Burn finger trying to taste fudge.
22. Literally start crying from laughing so hard at J. STILL licking out the jar of Marshmallow Fluff.
23. Pop passy back into baby's mouth

24. Mixture completed
25. Pour into two tins
26. Add nuts onto half of each pan
27. Pray that it sets
28. Listen for the next two hours to "Can we eat it it done"
29. Secretly test fudge and realize its not setting
30. @((*#^$*&#*^#)_@#)*!!!!!!
31. Decide its still good even though its not completely set
32. Give kids spoons and let them enjoy! first foray into candy making ended like most of my endeavours in the FAILURE. Hey at least there was no fire this time. And Im reminding myself that its all about SPENDING TIME together! is...
Okay, the funniest part of the day though was later at almost dinner time when I went to take another nip of fudge and look what I found in the pan:

Looks like Kitty dipped a paw into it too!!!


Roses in December said...

I love it, my mom used to make homemade fudge like that. I had a cat once eat angelfood cake that I had baked for a birthday gathering. I cut the wedge out where he ate, made it look like I did it on purpose and served it anyway! No one was worse for the ware/wear??(however they say it)They all lived after they ate it too.
Great story! Bren

Scribbling Suit said...

I'm laughing my head off. What else could go wrong? You're hilarious (I don't even have a candy thermometer--but I do have more pot holders!) Love your attitude and willingness to let go of expectations, be grateful, and have fun where you can. Miss you!

Debby Sutton said...

OMG!!! Love the cat print!!! You go, Diva! Making fudge is a pain in the @$$, even with the fluff stuff -- doesn't help when it's in their bellies! And as a side note, fudge is harder to set in the summer b/c of the humidity. You got any humidity!? Making it in the winter is slightly easier, but in FL, you never know what might be coming up the weather pipeline.

Made me bust out laughing!!!

patti said...

Glad you all enjoyed it! Im really trying to find humor in the day to day. I am such a better mother when I work and have time away from the kiddos, but this only comes around once, right?

Kitty jumps onto the top of the fridge from the counter and then from the fridge to the soffet where his bed is. I think when he was coming down he hit the fudge. LOL!!!

Terri B. said...

Okay, that's not's HILARIOUS!!!!!

Brandi said...

I hope the section you gave me didn't have Mike Rowe in it ;) hahaha!!!

Goes On Runs said...

i use the recipe on the back of the fluff jar. i've only ruined it once in five years!!!